Source code for circuitpython_homie

# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) 2022 Brendan Doherty
# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
The :mod:`circuitpython_homie` module holds the Homie implementations for a
:class:`device <HomieDevice>`, :class:`node <HomieNode>`, and
:class:`property <HomieProperty>`. See the :mod:`` module
for specialized properties that implement certain datatypes defined by the
`Homie Specifications <>`_.
    from os import uname  # type: ignore
except ImportError:
    from platform import uname  # type: ignore

    from typing import List, Dict, Any
except ImportError:
    pass  # don't type check on CircuitPython firmware

import re
from adafruit_minimqtt.adafruit_minimqtt import MQTT, MMQTTException  # type: ignore

__version__ = "0.0.0+auto.0"
__repo__ = ""

"""A list of valid device states according to the
`Homie specification's Life Cycle

"""A valid payload type (per Homie specifications) is one of these defined types:

.. hlist::

    - `integer <>`_
    - `float <>`_
    - `boolean <>`_
    - `string <>`_
    - `enum <>`_
    - `color <>`_
    - `datetime <>`_
    - `duration <>`_

[docs]def validate_id(_id: str) -> str: """Conform and validate a given ID to Homie specifications. :param _id: The given ID. .. note:: This function strips ``-`` characters from the beginning and ending of the ID. A leading ``$`` is also removed since that character is reserved for Homie attributes. :throws: If the given ID contains anything other than lowercase letters (a-z), numbers (0-9), or hyphens (``-``), then this function will raise a `ValueError` exception. :returns: A valid ID from the value passed to the ``_id`` parameter. """ _id = _id.rstrip("-").lstrip("$-").lower() if re.match("^[a-z0-9\\-]+$", _id) is None: raise ValueError( "Device ID can only consist of lowercase a-z, digits 0-9, or hyphens." ) return _id
[docs]class HomieProperty: """A class to represent a single property of a Homie device's node. :param name: The human friendly name of the node. :param datatype: The node's :homie-attr:`datatype`. Valid data types are defined in `PAYLOAD_TYPES`. Default is :python:`"string"`. :param property_id: A unique identifying `str` to use in the generated MQTT topic. If this parameter is not specified, then the ``name`` parameter will be used (providing it conforms to Homie specifications - see `validate_id()`). :param init_value: The property's initial value. :throws: A `ValueError` can indicate if the specified ``datatype`` or ``property_id`` is invalid. The exception's message will indicate which value. .. warning:: All attributes for this class should be considered read-only after calling `HomieDevice.begin()`. This is because the attributes published to the MQTT broker are not dynamically updated without calling `HomieDevice.begin()` after changing the attributes' value. """ def __init__( self, name: str, datatype: str = "string", property_id: str = None, init_value="", **extra_attributes ): #: The property's human friendly :homie-attr:`name` attribute = name datatype = datatype.lower() if datatype not in PAYLOAD_TYPES: raise ValueError("{} datatype is not in {}".format(datatype, PAYLOAD_TYPES)) #: The property's :homie-attr:`datatype` attribute. self.datatype = datatype #: The property's value. self._value = init_value #: The property's ID as used in the generated MQTT topic. self.property_id = validate_id(name if not property_id else property_id) if "settable" in extra_attributes: assert isinstance(extra_attributes.get("settable"), bool) if "retained" in extra_attributes: assert isinstance(extra_attributes.get("retained"), bool) for attr_name, attr_val in extra_attributes.items(): setattr(self, attr_name, attr_val) self._callback = None @property def value(self): """The current value of the property. .. admonition:: Read Only :class: missing This function will not update the value on the MQTT broker. Instead use `HomieDevice.set_property()` to do that. :returns: A usable object as a result of validation. This class has no implemented validation method because it is meant to be a derivative's base class. Therefore, this function simply returns the specified value. .. seealso:: The :doc:`recipes` have validators implemented accordingly. """ return self._value def __repr__(self): """Return a human friendly representation of this property.""" return "<HomieProperty {} type {}>".format(self.property_id, self.datatype) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.property_id def _set(self, value): """A helper function to change the property's value. This is called by `HomieDevice.set_property()`.""" self._value = value return value
[docs] def is_settable(self) -> bool: """Can this property be manipulated from the broker? This is controlled by the declaring a :homie-attr:`settable` `bool` attribute. By default, all properties are not settable. .. code-block:: python >>> prop1 = HomieProperty("demo-1") >>> prop1.is_settable() False >>> prop2 = HomieProperty("demo-2", settable=True) >>> prop2.is_settable() True """ if hasattr(self, "settable"): return getattr(self, "settable") return False
[docs] def is_retained(self) -> bool: """By default, all properties are published as retained topics. This can be controlled by declaring a :homie-attr:`retained` `bool` attribute. .. code-block:: python >>> prop1 = HomieProperty("demo-1") >>> prop1.is_retained() True >>> prop2 = HomieProperty("demo-2", retained=False) >>> prop2.is_retained() False """ if hasattr(self, "retained"): return getattr(self, "retained") return True
@property def callback(self): """This attribute shall hold a pointer to a callback function that is called when the property's value changes via broker subscription. Conventionally, this will require echoing the data back to the broker as confirmation. .. seealso:: Use `HomieDevice.set_property()` to echo back a confirmation to the MQTT broker. .. code-block:: python prop1 = HomieProperty("signage", settable=True) def new_signage(client: MQTT, topic, :str, message: str): # let `my_device` be the instantiated HomieDevice object my_device.set_property(prop1, message) # confirm with broker # Optionally do something with the new value print("received:", prop1.value) prop1.callback = new_signage .. details:: Using a lambda :class: info CircuitPython also supports `lambda` objects. .. code-block:: python prop2 = HomieProperty("signage", settable=True) prop2.callback = lambda *args: my_device.set_property(prop2, args[2]) This assumes that the property's `value` will be used elsewhere. """ if not self.is_settable(): return None if callable(self._callback): return self._callback raise NotImplementedError( "{} is not settable or has no callback method.".format(self) ) @callback.setter def callback(self, method): if not callable(method): raise ValueError("The given parameter is not a method.") self._callback = method
[docs]class HomieNode: # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods """A class to represent a Homie device's individual node. :param name: The human friendly name of the node. :param node_type: A description of the node's :homie-attr:`type`. :param node_id: A unique identifying `str` to use in the generated MQTT topic. If this parameter is not specified, then the ``name`` parameter will be used (providing it conforms to Homie specifications - see `validate_id()`). .. warning:: All attributes for this class should be considered read-only after calling `HomieDevice.begin()`. This is because the attributes published to the MQTT broker are not dynamically updated without calling `HomieDevice.begin()` after changing the attributes' value. """ def __init__(self, name: str, node_type: str, node_id: str = None): #: The node's human friendly :homie-attr:`name` attribute. = name #: The node's :homie-attr:`type` attribute. self.type = node_type #: The node's ID as used in the generated MQTT topic. self.node_id = validate_id(name if not node_id else node_id) #: The node's :homie-attr:`properties` is a list of `HomieProperty` objects. = [] # type: List[HomieProperty] def __repr__(self): """Return a human friendly representation of this property.""" return "<HomieNode {}>".format(self.node_id) def __str__(self) -> str: return self.node_id
[docs]class HomieDevice: """A class to represent an instantiated Homie device. :param client: An instance of an MQTT client object that the device will use to communicate with a MQTT broker. :param name: The device's human friendly name. :param device_id: A unique identifying string for the device. This should adhere to the Homie ID specifications. Meaning only lowercase letters (a-z) or numbers or hyphens (``-``) are allowed. This ID is prohibited from starting with a ``$`` and cannot begin or end with a ``-``, thus these characters are stripped from the given input. """ implementation = "CircuitPython on " + uname()[0] """The :homie-attr:`implementation` attribute used for all `HomieDevice` instances (class attribute). The platform specified by default is taken from :attr:`~os._Uname.sysname`. """ #: The base topic used for all `HomieDevice` instances (class attribute). base_topic = "homie" def __init__(self, client: MQTT, name: str, device_id: str): #: The MQTT client object. self.client = client #: The Homie firmware name and version in a `dict`. self.fw = dict( # pylint: disable=invalid-name name="circuitpython-homie", version=__version__ ) #: The list of :homie-attr:`nodes` for this device. self.nodes = [] # type: List[HomieNode] self.homie = "4.0.0" #: The device's :homie-attr:`name` attribute. = name #: The supported Homie extensions (not implemented by this library). self.extensions = ["null.dummy:none"] # self.extra_attributes = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] #: A flag to control interaction with Homie's :homie-attr:`broadcast` topic. self.enable_broadcast = True device_id = validate_id(device_id) self.topic = "/".join([self.base_topic, device_id]) def _publish_topic(self, topic: str, value, retain: bool = True): """A helper to publish topics arbitrarily.""" if isinstance(value, dict): for key, val in value.items(): self._publish_topic("/".join([topic, key]), val, retain=retain) return pub_val = value # use a copy for normalization if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): pub_val = ",".join([str(val) for val in value]) elif isinstance(value, bool): pub_val = str(value).lower() if not isinstance(pub_val, str): pub_val = str(pub_val) self.client.publish(topic, pub_val, retain=retain, qos=1)
[docs] def begin(self, **mqtt_settings): """Register this Homie device with the MQTT broker. :param mqtt_settings: All keyword arguments are used as parameters that get passed to :meth:`~adafruit_minimqtt.adafruit_minimqtt.MQTT.connect()`. """ # set the will and testament (requires being disconnected first) try: if self.client.is_connected(): self.client.disconnect() except MMQTTException: # pragma: no cover pass # this exception meant the client was disconnected. self.client.will_set(self.topic + "/$state", "lost") self.client.connect(**mqtt_settings) # publish default/required attributes for attr in ("homie", "name", "extensions", "implementation", "nodes", "fw"): self._publish_topic(self.topic + "/$" + attr, getattr(self, attr)) # publish this device's nodes for node in self.nodes: node_topic = "/".join([self.topic, str(node)]) + "/" for attr in ("name", "type", "properties"): self._publish_topic(node_topic + "$" + attr, getattr(node, attr)) # publish this node's properties for prop in prop_topic = node_topic + prop.property_id retained = prop.is_retained() for attr in dir(prop): value = getattr(prop, attr) if ( attr.startswith("_") or attr in ("callback", "property_id", "value") or callable(value) ): continue self._publish_topic( "/".join([prop_topic, "$" + attr]), value, retain=retained ) if prop.is_settable(): self.client.add_topic_callback(prop_topic + "/set", prop.callback) self.client.subscribe(prop_topic + "/set", qos=1) self._publish_topic(prop_topic, prop.value, retain=retained) if self.enable_broadcast: self.client.subscribe(self.base_topic + "/$broadcast/#", qos=1) self._publish_topic(self.topic + "/$state", "ready")
[docs] def set_state(self, state: str): """Set the device's :homie-attr:`state` attribute on the MQTT broker. :param state: The new desired state of the device. :throws: If the specified ``state`` value is not a member of `DEVICE_STATES`, then a `ValueError` exception is raised. """ if state not in DEVICE_STATES: raise ValueError("The state {} is not Homie compliant".format(state)) if self.client.is_connected(): self.client.publish(self.topic + "/$state", state, retain=True, qos=1)
[docs] def set_property(self, prop: HomieProperty, value, multi_node: bool = False): """Change a specified property's value and publish it to the MQTT broker. :param prop: the instance object representing the device node's property. :param value: The new value for the property. The data type passed here will depend on the type of `HomieProperty` (specified by the ``prop`` parameter) for which it is being applied. .. seealso:: The :doc:`recipes` have derivatives of the `HomieProperty` class with validators implemented accordingly. :param multi_node: Set this to `True` if the property is associated with multiple device `nodes`. By default, only the first node found in association is updated on the MQTT broker. :throws: If the property is not associated with one of the device's `nodes`, then a `ValueError` exception is raised. """ pub_val = prop._set(value) # pylint: disable=protected-access found = False for node in self.nodes: if prop in topic = "/".join([self.topic, node.node_id, str(prop)]) self._publish_topic(topic, pub_val, prop.is_retained()) found = True if not multi_node: break if not found: raise ValueError("Could not find a node associated with {}".format(prop)) return pub_val