
To aid with user setup, this documentation is complete with tutorials about

Controlling a system service in Linux (systemctl)

These are some common commands for systemctl on Linux that may be helpful, all of which should require root permission (sudo) to execute successfully.


This command is used to make a service start when the machine boots up. To enable Mosquitto broker (as a system service) to start on boot up:

sudo systemctl enable mosquitto

This command is used to print the status of a running mosquitto broker. It can be useful because it will show if there was any errors in running the process.

sudo systemctl status mosquitto


If there were any errors, then this will tell you what file in which the logs were saved.


This command is useful if you need to restart your broker after making changes to the configuration.

sudo systemctl restart mosquitto

The command to start the broker as a service (as opposed to directly running the mosquitto or openhab binary executables). This is really only useful if you don’t want the broker service to start on boot (ie. doing tests configurations).

sudo systemctl start openhab

The command to stop any running system service. This is mentioned for completeness because it is the opposite of start.